license plate readers in arizonaA common component in most major drug transportation cases is the involvement of LPR's (license plate readers). These are the devices, you see on the side of interstates, that are taking your picture both coming and going. That license plate data is then stored and maintained. That data is available for any Arizona law enforcement officer to tap into and evaluate.

So if a motorist has been stopped on the interstate, and the officer is asking questions about where they've been and what they’ve been doing, the questioning is purposeful. It is designed to have the motorist commit to having been someplace. That account is then checked against the LPR.

If the motorist says they weren't in California, but the LPR shows that they both went there and came back within the last day, it's bad trouble. It not only confirms the motorist is dishonest, but that the motorist has traveled to a source city for drugs/narcotics.

Should You Talk About LPRs With the Cops

The real solution to the problem created by license plate readers is whether or not the motorist has made a statement that can be impeached by the LPR. The better solution, if confronted and stopped on the highway, is not to answer questions about where you have been or where you are going. By doing so, which is your right, you take the LPR out of the equation.

If you, a friend, or your family have a case have a drug transport case that involves LPR evidence, contact the experienced attorneys at Griffin Stevens. We have dealt with those cases and know how to handle the problem.

Bruce Griffen, Esq.
Bruce Griffen is a top-rated Arizona criminal defense lawyer who has 40 years of felony trial experience.