Disorderly Conduct Stamp | Arizona disorderly conduct defense lawyerDisorderly conduct is one of the most common charges of all personal crimes. The police love to issue this charge—also known as disturbing the peace or drunk and disorderly—because it's an easy "catch-all" for most types of inappropriate behavior.

Types of Disorderly Conduct in Arizona

Disorderly conduct in Arizona is covered in statute A.R.S. 13-2904. It encompasses six different types of behavior committed with intent to disturb the peace or quiet of a neighborhood, family, or person.

  1. Fighting or engaging in violent or seriously disruptive behavior
  2. Unreasonable noise
  3. Abusive or offensive language or gestures likely to provoke immediate physical retaliation
  4. Making any protracted commotion, utterance, or display with the intent to prevent the activities of or business of a lawful meeting, gathering, or procession
  5. Refusing to obey a lawful order to disperse that was related to fire, a hazard, or any other public safety emergency
  6. Recklessly handling, displaying, or discharging a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument

Officers have a great deal of discretion in determining whether specific actions fit the criteria for this charge, which is why disorderly conduct arrests as so common throughout Arizona.

Penalties for Disorderly Conduct

Most types of disorderly conduct are Class 1 misdemeanors. A Class 1 misdemeanor is the most serious type of misdemeanor and carries a penalty of up to six months in jail, up to five years probation, and fines of $2,500 plus surcharges.

When the crime involves firearms or other deadly weapons, disorderly conduct is raised to a Class 6 felony. This carries a punishment of a minimum prison sentence of one and a half years and a maximum of three years in prison. If you have a prior felony conviction, you will have to do the "prison only" sentence, which is a minimum of three years and a maximum of six years.

Disorderly conduct charges are often accompanied by additional charges for assault, domestic violence, or alcohol-related offenses.

Ryan J. Stevens, Esq.
Ryan Stevens is an award-winning trial attorney and litigator with success in high profile jury trials.