Injured in an accident that wasn't your fault or facing criminal charges? You probably have a lot of questions about your legal rights and options, and whether you need an attorney. Browse our FAQs for answers to common legal questions.
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Should I Hire A Private Attorney In Arizona Or An AZ Public Defender?
How Long Will It Take To Settle My Arizona Truck Accident Case?
How Are Police Using Cellphone Tracking In Arizona?
What should I do if there is a warrant out for my arrest?
What Happens If I Am Partially At Fault For Causing My Car Accident?
What are wobbler crimes?
How long will it take to settle my slip and fall accident claim?
Can Arizona’s Set Aside Conviction law help me clear my criminal record?
How much is my car accident claim worth?
How can I help my attorney in my criminal defense?
How much is my slip and fall accident claim worth?
What is the U.S. Center for SafeSport?