Our Flagstaff Criminal Defense Lawyers Explain How Arizona's Drug Court Program Could Help if You're Facing Drug Charges

If you have been charged with a drug crime in Flagstaff or Northern Arizona, you could face a harsh sentence and the long-term consequences of a criminal conviction. Being sentenced to a drug court program could be a better option than being sentenced to a lengthy jail or prison sentence. How AZ's drug court might help your criminal case

However, you must be eligible for the drug court program and follow strict requirements. The experienced Flagstaff criminal defense lawyers at Griffen & Stevens, PLLC can mount a vigorous defense to fight the charges you face and will advise you on whether a drug court program is a good option in your criminal case. If it is, we will guide you through the program's requirements to help ensure you successfully complete them.

Drug court is an alternative sentencing program similar to probation in Arizona. Participants must adhere to strict requirements while in the program. Our Flagstaff criminal defense lawyers are here to defend you and guide you through the drug court program process if we determine it is the best course of action for your situation.

Understanding Arizona’s Drug Court Program

Drug court, also known as Recovery Court in Flagstaff, is a specialized court docket that focuses on defendants with drug addiction and substance abuse issues. Each county in Arizona can establish its own rules for its drug court program. Different types of drug court programs exist in Arizona, including the following:

  • Family Drug Court
  • Juvenile Drug Court
  • Adult Drug Court
  • DUI Drug Court

Eligibility Rules for Drug Court Programs in Arizona

While every county has its own specific eligibility rules for its drug court program, there are general requirements for defendants for this Arizona program. Here are some of the criteria you would need to meet for entering a drug court program:

  • Have a drug addiction or problem. You would need to establish that you have a drug addiction, have a substance abuse problem, or are dependent on a drug.
  • Haven't participated in a drug court program. To be eligible for a drug court program, you must not have failed or participated in a drug court program other than a juvenile drug court program in the past.
  • Haven't participated in a drug diversion program in the past. You cannot have failed or successfully completed a drug diversion program in another criminal case. However, you would still remain eligible if you were in a juvenile drug diversion program.
  • Don't have a conviction for a dangerous offense. You cannot have been convicted of certain felony offenses. A felony conviction for a sex crime, serious criminal offense, or a dangerous crime such as murder would make you ineligible to participate in this program.
  • Live within 35 miles of Flagstaff. To be eligible for a Coconino County recovery court program, you must move within 35 miles of Flagstaff. 

The Requirements for Participating in the Flagstaff Recovery Court Program

Like other counties in Arizona, Flagstaff has specific obligations you must fulfill if you are sentenced to a recovery court program. You need the help of a Flagstaff criminal defense lawyer at Griffen & Stevens, PLLC to determine if you are eligible for the program and to help you meet its stringent rules. Some requirements of our county's program include the following:

  • Continue in the program for one year. You are required to continue in Flagstaff's recovery court program for one year.
  • Complete any mandatory jail sentence. If you are sentenced to a mandatory jail sentence, you must complete it prior to becoming eligible for the county's drug court program.
  • Attend regular court hearings. You must attend regular recovery court hearings where the court would assess your progress and compliance with the program's rules.
  • Attend all drug treatment sessions. You would be required to enroll in a substance abuse treatment program and attend all sessions.
  • Undergo random drug and alcohol testing. You must undergo random drug and alcohol testing while you are in the recovery court program to ensure your compliance with sobriety requirements.
  • Submit to random visits by your probation officer. One of the program's requirements is that you agree to random visits by your probation officer at your home, job, treatment facility, or any other place.